All the events organised by WCT licensed organisations in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Events Guide:

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Most frequent questions and answers

As of 2023, the official events are only open to adults and to qualified teams. As World Chase Tag® keeps growing, qualifiers will be organised in more countries. If you’re from an area without official qualifiers we advise you to get in touch with us. We’ll ask you to provide videos of your training, name of your team and players and location. Unofficial events are another way to get invited to major events if there are no official qualifiers in your area.

Unofficial events organised by licensed organisations may be open for different age groups. We advise you to get in touch with the organisers should you have any question.

Official Competitions

There is no open registration for official events (Nationals, Continentals & World Championships). If you want to join you have to enter through one of 4 ways : 

– Official Qualifier in your area. Qualifiers are the entry door into National Championships,

– Take part in unofficial event. If there are no Qualifiers in your area, your participation in unofficial events will allow us to screen your team’s abilities and invite you to bigger events.

– Spontaneous demand : we’re always looking out for new teams and athletes that would be good at Chase Tag®. If you believe you’re good enough, get in touch with us. We’ll ask for videos of your matches, name of your team and athletes, location of your team or other informations.

– Wild Card : World Chase Tag® reserves the right to invite any team outside official Qualifiers depending on the needs for the competition, sponsorships or media distribution.

Unofficial Competitions

Most events organised by gyms are open to new teams. Just click on the links in the calendar to learn about each events specifications and costs.

There is no open registration for official events (Nationals, Continentals & World Championships). If you want to join you have to enter through one of 4 ways : 

– Official Qualifier in your area. Qualifiers are the entry door into National Championships,

– Take part in unofficial event. If there are no Qualifiers in your area, your participation in unofficial events will allow us to screen your team’s abilities and invite you to bigger events.

– Spontaneous demand : we’re always looking out for new teams and athletes that would be good at Chase Tag®. If you believe you’re good enough, get in touch with us. We’ll ask for videos of your matches, name of your team and athletes, location of your team or other informations.

– Wild Card : World Chase Tag® reserves the right to invite any team outside official Qualifiers depending on the needs for the competition, sponsorships or media distribution.

As of 2023 World Chase Tag® is not an Olympic Sport.

There is currently no rule prohibiting or restricting the use of protective equipment. For safer and more enjoyable practice we advise the use of shin guards and knee pads that do not restrict your range of motion.

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